If the State were to pass a law requiring anything to
be done which is against the law of God, it would be the duty of the Church to
censure any of her members who should obey the law. Men must then choose, according to their
private consciences, which of the Two authorities they will obey. If they choose to obey the State, the Church
can do nothing but exclude them from her pale.
collisions are not very likely to occur.
The laws of the State which contravene the Divine law chiefly relate to
marriage and are not very numerous. They
are practically only permissive. The
State leaves every person at liberty to marry or not at his or her choice, and,
with a few exceptions to marry whomsoever he or she will. But it compels no person to marry, still less
to marry any particular person. When a
person contracts a marriage which is against the law of God and not against the
law of the land, he has offended and is liable to Church censures; but if he do
not contract such a marriage he offends neither the Church nor the State, for
the law of the State is only permissive.
It is more correct to say that there is no State law on the
subject. When, therefore, the Church
censures a person for a marriage which the State does not forbid, there is no
collision between the Church and the State.
What one permit’s the other forbids, and a person who is subject to both
ought to obey the stricter law. There is
really no difficulty until a case shall arise in which one forbids what the
other commands.
Thus the laws
which allow the dissolution of a valid marriage, and the marriage of the
parties to it to other persons without waiting for the death of either, are
really only permissive. No person is
obliged to apply for a divorce, or having obtained one, or having been forced
to submit to one, is obliged to marry again.
The State does not command either of these things, and the Church does
not provoke a collision by forbidding them.
legislation of the American Church is peculiar.
Its discipline is applied to offenses which are not defined in the
canons otherwise than by the most general reference to the Divine law. The effect is that the interpretation of the
Divine law is committed to the judges who administer Church discipline. Public opinion requires that they shall take
the law of the land for their guide, or, as the framers of public opinion
prefer saying, that they should obey the law of the land. They should obey the law of the land when it
is not in conflict with the law of God; but they should not subject the law of
God to the law of the land.
When a
question arises whether the law of the land conflicts with the law of God, it
cannot be decided by the law of the land, which is of inferior authority to the
law of the God. The law of God, which is
the higher law, must be the rule, and conscience the judge to apply that
rule. Every one who is called upon to
act upon the question must decide it for himself, as every one who is called to
act upon any question must decide it for himself. The private man must decide it according to
his conscience. The officer of the
Church, who is called to advise, direct, or judge the conduct of the private Christian,
must decide according to his private conscience, unless the Church has
furnished him with a rule. The Church
herself, in her legislative capacity, must be governed by what may be called
her aggregate, or public conscience.
If the two
laws do not conflict, every one, including the authorities of the Church, must
obey both. If one permit what the other
forbids, men should respect the prohibition.
If one command what the other forbids, we must obey God rather than man. Suppose a man should apply to be received
into the communion of the Church who had married after a civil divorce which
was contrary to God’s law. How ought the
rector of the parish to act? Public
opinion would perhaps say that the twice-married man should be received,
because he had done nothing not allowed by the law of the land. But the true question is, Has he done an act
contrary to the law of God? The law of
the land, which is, at best, an interpretation of the law of God made by
temporal rulers for temporal purposes, has nothing to do with spiritual questions.
The State may
interpret the law of God for her own purposes; but she has no right to
interpret it for those of the Church.
She may decide what actions are injurious to the spiritual welfare of
the agent. Moreover, it is notorious
that the rulers of States do not now even pretend to interpret the law of
God. They avow that they act only upon
their own notions of expediency. This is
an abuse of power, but the legitimate authority of the State is not impaired by
it. To suppose that her authority could
be forfeited by abuse, would render all government impossible. The laws of the State, however they may
conflict with the law of God, are binding in the courts of the State. A judge whose conscience will not permit him
to execute a law of the State should resign his position.
In the supposed
case the second marriage is not legally bigamy.
The husband has the same legal control over his de facto wife and
her property as any other husband. The
so-called wife has a legal right to be supported by the de facto husband
according to his means and condition. At
his death she will be entitled to a wife’s share of his estate. The true wife has lost her right to a support
and to a share in the distribution of her husband’s estate. The children of the second marriage are
legitimate. All these effects the act of
the State can produce; but it cannot make a sin to be no sin.
The Church
has neither the right nor the power to interfere with these civil matters; but
she has a right to declare that such an union is sinful and prejudicial to the
spiritual interests of those between whom it has been formed. It is not necessary that the declaration
should be a legislative act, which would give no additional force to a Divine
law, though such an act might be of great service to individual clergymen as a defense
against public opinion.
The true idea
of a legislative act is that it is an exposition of the Divine law, if the
meaning of which, or of its application, there may be some doubt. St. Germain, an old writer on the Common Law,
states this truth thus: “The law of man (the which sometimes is called the law
positive) is derived by reason as a thing which is necessary and probably
following of the law of reason and of the law of God. And that is called probable, in that it
appeared to many, and especially to wise men, to be true. And therefore in every law positive well
made, there is somewhat of the law of reason, and somewhat of the law of God.”
A legislative
act is binding upon all persons who are providentially under the authority of
those by whom it is made, so far as their jurisdiction extends, but no
further. The jurisdiction of the State
does not extend to spiritual matters, except just so far as it may be necessary
to protect herself, or her citizens or subjects, from injuries attempted to be
cloaked under spiritual forms. Even then
it does not extend to the decision of what is, and is not sin. Her exposition of the law of God for such a
purpose is without authority. The
exposition of the Divine law for spiritual purposes, belongs to the
Church. But a legislative interpretation
of a plain Divine law is unnecessary.
The church may therefore leave such a Divine law to be interpreted by
her judicial and administrative officers.
It does not follow, that they are to follow the interpretation of the
State, when it contradicts the true sense of the Divine law.
- - H. D. Evans