Friday, April 23, 2010

When your Cheap Divorce is Granted

(From a Child in the Eastern States to her mother, temporarily absent from Home on a supposed visit to relative in the West.)
When your cheap divorce is granted,
Mother, and you leave the West,
Shall I stay with you or father?
Tell me, mother, which the best?
He'll be much surprised, I fear me,
When he knows what you have filed,
And, unless you hover near me,
He'll appropriate your child.
Mother, if the move was needful;
If the income you and he
Shared so long, at last has bred an
If you'll be his wife no longer,
When returning from the West,
Which am I to love the stronger?
Tell me, mother, which the best?
- Robert Henry Newell (1836-1901)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I couldn't have said it better! This is exactly what I meant on my blog Grace From Our Home to Yours about smiling at our hubbies!

    Who wants a divorce? My dad was divorced twice and I went through terrible trials as a child because of his decision. Good reminder!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! PS. You might like my personal blog Comin''s homemaking country style..:o)
