Tuesday, November 30, 2010

When are we happiest?

When are we happiest, then? Oh, when resigned
To Whatsoever our cup of life may brim;
When we can know ourselves but weak and blind,
Creatures of earth! and trust alone in Him
Who gives, in his mercy, joy or pain—
Oh! we are happiest then!'
—M. A. Brown.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicole!

    It is such a pleasure to meet you! I have browsed through your blog a bit and I must tell you how blessed I am. It is lovely.

    I love this little post here...it brings to mind Psalms 16:6, "The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance."

    It is only in the path or the way of obedience that we find our truest blessings!
